Monday, February 2, 2009

Did You See That Game?

Did you see that game? There were some excellent moments of genuinely professional coaching and play. Except for the commercials, the overall event was stimulating. With all the pre-game hype about the commercials, you would think the game is played for the commercials. And now we find some of the commercials were paid for with bail out money. When does the stench of greed and indifference to the average tax payer finally go away?

Today is Ground Hog day and the shadow has been seen. For those who have had enough winter, brace yourselves for more.

Struggles in the Senate suggest the Bail Out package may run into trouble today.

Forecasts indicate that more job losses are in the wings.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?

So with all of that, how do we prepare ourselves for the bad news that just keeps seeping out of the most ordinary events of our lives? How do we cope with the terrible news that floods so many? How do we wake ourselves from this bad dream that keeps repeating itself night after night?

It would be nice if watching a game would make all the other insults of living go away. It would be encouraging if some escapes, such as sports, would serve that purpose for longer than a few hours. Entertainment, no matter its genre, is like a medication for pain, it doesn’t last long.

Wouldn’t it be good if someone would find a permanent cure for bad news?

Some say religion or faith offers such an elixir. Others recommend meditation and exercise. Others look for it in all kinds of distractions.

Whatever the source or course you take, if it works for you, it works! The rest of us who still search may find our solution in the search itself.

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