Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Suggestions: Acupuncture for Seniors

Sometime back my knees started reminding me how much use and overuse they have endured. The usual routes of determining whether surgery would be required, were taken. Among the treatment options and disciplines required were to wear knee devices to reduce the difficulty of rising from a sitting position, learning how to get our of a car, avoiding stairs and seldom kneeling. The latter one is tough on a minister.

Along the way, I was introduced to a marvelous Acupuncturist whose application of the discipline is absolutely amazing. My 92 year old father in law was the first to find him. A number of family members now go to him regularly.

His gentle touch and reassuring manner are very patient centered. The needles are not a threat and their insertion produces little sensation.

The results, however, are quite amazing. Without drugs and with exercise and proper diet, a regular regimen of acupuncture has given me my knees back. Once in a while, if I overdo, I simply have to rest a while and usually I return to normal. If one is plagued with osteoarthritis, one cannot expect that acupuncture will not be needed further. Periodic treatments will be required. But, the amazing thing is, my doctor, who is also a chiropractor, reminds me "for some strange reason, it works!" So, I can recommend it.

Be sure to check out the qualifications of your practitioner. Get referrals from those who have benefited from this discipline. If you live in an area where no such service is available, check out nearby larger cities. Do not make an appointment until you are comfortable with the practitioner. Incidentally, for those in the Phoenix, Arizona metro area, you will can easily locate my miracle worker. He is in Scottsdale and his name starts with an S. He is just off Shea and Scottsdale Road. Caution allows me to encourage you to do your own research.

My counsel is "Try it, You'll Like it! '

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