Thursday, August 21, 2008

Telling Stories!

It's time to roll out the stories, grandpa! Students in a variety of school districts are finding that walking to school is back in vogue. Gas prices are forcing boards and administrators to evaluate costs related to busing. So, it may be time to remind your grandchildren just how far you walked to school when you were young.

A number of years ago I was sitting at the fountain of a drug store (who remembers those?) when I overheard two young men discussing their respective fathers. One shared that his father had walked 3 miles to school, often in very bad weather. The other, quick to retort, replied "every year my father gets older he walked further to school!"

So every generation learns from the last. This one may be a tough lesson for our youngsters, accustomed to so many luxuries and privileges. However, it may be a good time for you to share with them some of the benefits of your own experiences.

There is a great story about a father who grew concerned about his elementary age son who seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time in his daily walks to and from school. So, one day he chose to follow him, without his knowing it. What he discovered was a whole world of new wonders. He watched as his son hesitated on his way to watch a butterfly, to stomp in a rain puddle, to say hello to people coming out for their morning papers, to examine a worm crossing the sidewalk, to kick a can, to skip and hop and watch with wonder as he passed his world on his way to school.

The father reported that he had decided it was okay for his son to take his time, something he had never quite learned to do. So he asked, the next day, if he might join walking with him once in a while. The two did so and lived happily ever after.

This story may be a contrived fairy tale, but what a moral. Being a part of one another's universe is the best gift a child and a father or grandfather can give or receive. The days will be brighter, as you do it, and the joys more endearing when you remember having done it. So, tell your stories on your way with your son or grandson as you walk to school!

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